Thursday 22 September 2011


 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr: 
“The best of friends, in God’s sight, is the one who is best to his friend; and the best of neighbors, in God’s sight, is the one who is best to his neighbor.”


Whenever you look at their faces, they could remind you of ALLAH SWT..

By hearing their words, you will gain more KNOWLEDGE on Islam..

By looking at their every movement shall remind you of DEATH.


 Alhamdulillah, I'm grateful for being able to meet these people who I called as friends. I'd learnt many beautiful things from them. They taught me how to find "True Happiness" by the devotion to Allah swt. They changed me a lot and I am happy to say that I have become a better muslimah now and trying hard to be much better and istiqamah in this path. Friendship taught me one must have his/her companions around in order to make their life more meaningful. Eventhough we are separated by distance, I believe we will still very close by heart. Thank you for taking care of me all this while, sharing my tears and laughter..I hope that this friendship will last to Jannah. Ukhuwah Fillah Abadan Abada. I am really..definitely..absolutely..seriously in love with you girls lillahita'ala.

O' Allah, please protect us from sins and wrong doings, bless this friendship with Barakah and Forgiveness. Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin.

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